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After speaking with many residents in District Three, many of our neighbors have concerns with traffic safety, particularly around speeding cars in neighborhoods and sideshows. 


Housing is a fundamental human right. No matter your income bracket, housing is in low supply and has a high cost in Antioch.


As a former small business advocate, I believe in bringing small business technical assistance to Antioch. Our small business community needs technical assistance and access to non-predatory capital. 

Make Antioch Safer

After speaking with many residents in District Three, many of our neighbors have concerns with traffic safety, particularly around speeding cars in neighborhoods and sideshows. I remain committed to working with our public safety departments to ensure we revisit some of our neighborhood streets and see where we can add additional traffic safety measures to improve safety. Many new homes have been built in the last few years, and I think it’s time to collect public input to see how we can improve traffic safety in the communities built in the last decade. Discover my plans for transforming public safety: - Recruit more Antioch Police Officers who reflect our community's diversity. I back the city council's proposal to boost hiring incentives. - Enhance traffic safety with speed bumps, stop signs, and traffic safety technology. - Collaborate with Antioch Unified School District to develop career pathways, inspiring high school students to consider careers in local law enforcement. Antioch residents understand our history and should be the best people to protect our community. - Hire grant writers to find more state and federal funding to improve bicycle and pedestrian safety.


Housing is a fundamental human right. No matter your income bracket, housing is in low supply and has a high cost in Antioch. According to Antioch’s Housing Element, we lack affordable housing and a low housing supply because of rising construction costs and a lack of community revitalization strategies. Despite our recent housing boom, Antioch is still behind in the number of units required for our current population and future population growth. Housing in Antioch is only affordable for families above the Average Median Income (AMI), and depending on family size, not every home meets an affordable price point. My housing priorities include: Investing in state and federal resources to help communities invest in more affordable housing and find solutions to house the unhoused. - Promote up-zoned housing projects to make the most of available space. - Collaborate with neighboring cities to create shelters and resource centers for the unhoused. - Increase housing affordability by focusing on Antioch’s Housing Element to expand the number of available units and increase supply to reduce the cost of housing. - Protect tenants from unjust evictions by supporting initiatives like the recently passed Just Cause Eviction Ordinance. - Work with housing developers, nonprofits, and other community organizations to build affordable housing.

Economic Development

As a former small business advocate, I believe in bringing small business technical assistance to Antioch. Our small business community needs technical assistance and access to non-predatory capital. Over the past few years, while working as a small business advocate, I was part of a coalition of organizations in the Responsible Business Lending Coalition to pass legislation to require APR to be displayed in contracts for Merchant Cash Advances (SB 33) and prevent certain lending fees in commercial loans (SB 666). My background in advocacy has informed the following plans for growth in this area: - I will work with other legislators and small business leaders to bring small business technical assistance to Antioch to ensure our businesses grow and thrive. - I will engage economic developers to revitalize Antioch. We can bring more arts, entertainment, sports, and restaurants because we have a strong community to do it. - Employ grant writers to secure funding for our economic growth.


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